University College Cork: Leaders in Fintech Research
Ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide, UCC was named as Ireland’s Sunday Times University of the Year in 2016, and again in 2017, the only Irish university to receive this designation in consecutive years. UCC was honoured to be named the World’s First Green University Campus (Federation for Environmental Education, Copenhagen).
University College Cork (UCC) is a global leader in FinTech research. This reputation is due to the scientific excellence and world impact of the research being conducted here. The UCC research team are acknowledged international leaders in FinTech, the research team consisting of international experts from both business and technology domains, having undertaken world-class research, with significant business impact in domains including; advanced treasury services, semantic ontologies, cloud computing, business models, regulation and anti-money laundering.
Cork University Business School
The Cork University Business School is regarded as a leader in business education in Ireland with several programmes viewed as the best in the country in their particular areas. Members of our Business School faculty are among leading researchers within their fields and our research centres work with global businesses providing innovative research and development.
CUBS Mission
The mission of CUBS is:
“Committed to disciplinary strengths and organisational and international engagement, we develop the capacities of students, professionals and organisations through high-impact experiential learning and effective practice-oriented research.”
CUBS Vision
Our vision is to be a nationally and internationally recognised business school, known for the excellence of the student learning experience and for the impact of our research on business and society.
In pursuit of the mission and vision statements CUBS is committed to ensuring that:
- all of our graduates will regard their experiences with us as among the most satisfying, challenging and rewarding time of their lives in terms of learning, personal development and intellectual growth; they will be the strongest of our advocates and continue to be supportive and engaged alumni;
- our research will be known internationally and valued for its deep knowledge, rigour and relevance;
- our strong engagement with business and government will be regarded nationally and internationally as an exemplar of best practice;
- the strengths of the University tradition and commitment to scholarly knowledge will be maintained and enhanced.
Our strategy involves commitments to meeting the following objectives:
- quality education at all levels with programmes that meet the needs of a diverse body of students and which are responsive to the demands of employers and society;
- a very challenging but supportive student experience;
- teaching and learning that is informed by good practice, scholarship and research;
- recruiting, encouraging and recognising students who are committed to full participation in their University life;
- publication of high quality research that impacts on business practice both nationally and internationally;
- development of our faculty and professional staff through appropriate systems and practices such that CUBS will be recognised as one of Ireland’s best workplaces;
- enhancing our educational and research connectivity with business in Ireland and internationally.

Boole Centre for Research on Informatics
The Boole Centre for Research in Informatics is an ambitious centre bringing together the expertise of the School of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics (Mathematical Sciences) and the Department of Computer Science at University College Cork to carry out interdisciplinary research under the banner of Informatics. This represents the interface between the two disciplines and provides the motivation for the link with the name of George Boole, who was the first Professor of Mathematics at the former Queen’s College, Cork. The Centre is unique in Ireland. It aims to consolidate UCC’s leading position in Ireland in interdisciplinary research in mathematical sciences and computer science, and to further UCC’s strategic ambition to become a leading European centre for research in this area.